Rant about ttc

I'm so aggravated and ready to give up. My body has played tricks on me before but never as bad as what I've been dealing with lately. My average cycle length is 33 days and I have reached day 39 once several months ago. Tomorrow I will be on cycle day 46! Tonight I had both a urine and blood test done that were negatives. Yet I have been experiencing non stop mild cramping, creamy white cm, a big increase in appetite( if I don't eat through out the day I will feel sick) tension headaches, fatigue, insomnia and vivid dreams. Now I know it is easy to sike ourselves out but I have been very open minded and realize that it can go either way. I just never imagined my body playing this bad of a trick on me! My son will be 9 in March, I've had an eptopic and miscarriage in 2013... Is all this stress and heartache worth it? And what is the next step?