Awesome boyfriend except..

My boyfriend and i have been together for almost 3 years and hes awesome as far as making me laugh and making me happy and bla bla bla. But when we go to have sex he wants to go straight for the gold. Theres no foreplay, ever. Ive brought it up before but he has no idea what to do. He tries to french me but its all tongue. He thinks foreplay is fingering and touching my boobs right from the start. Poking me with his dick and boob touching like what are you doing ?! He doesnt understand he has to turn me on he thinks because i can say "boob" and hes hard, its the same for me.

I feel bad cuz i never initiate sex but why would i want to? He always wants me to suck his dick but has a really weak stomach so once in a blue moon will go down on me for maybe 10 seconds before he goes back to boob touching and choking me with his tongue. I try to guide him but it lasts 2 minutes and hes ready to go.

What do i do?