What do I do?

Laura • Our baby Tilly arrived 28th of June, her first breath took ours away!
I'm in a bit of a pickle.. Kind of! I am really close to my aunt and she is really excited about the baby, my baby will be the closest thing she'll have to a grandchild as her son is not having kids so to make her feel really involved in the baby's life I asked her to be godmother and she's thrilled! And she is so kind and caring I'm happy to have her in my daughters life. But she mentioned something about buying bits and pieces for the baby.. She's really generous but I don't want her to think I asked her to be godmother just to buy stuff for the baby.. I want her to be godmother because I love her to pieces and want her to be in my daughters life. How do I get that message across without sounding ungrateful of gifts? 
​I don't know if I explained that very well!! Hard to write it down lol!