Should I test or should I assume AF is coming?

Amber • My husband is 32 and I am 27. We have been TTC for over 4 1/2 years now with no positive results.
Hello, my last period started on January 12th with no symptoms before hand not even cramping which is typical for me. I did an ovulation test a few days ago because I have been experiencing major breast tenderness for the past week and a half which I have heard can happen during ovulation. But it's something I hadn't personally experienced prior to this cycle. The ovulation test however came back negative but the breast tenderness continues. Also for the last 2 days I have had Pinkish brown discharge whenever I wipe and mild cramping. Aside from the light spotting the cramping and the breast tenderness are uncharacteristic to me. I'm wondering if I should just expect AF a bit early and just with some new symptoms or if this could potentially be the month I get my BFP or would  you test on the 9th which I believe is the earliest I can test and get a positive or just wait for AF?