PCOS help?



Very long story, just need some advice.

My husband and I have been TTC for almost a year. I recently had scans and tests done to discover that I had PCOS. I have a 31 day cycle, never late and never missed. Im not on any medication, not overweight or anything. I am not stressed and for once am not worrying about TTC. My doctor referred me for more testing to see what fertility options were available for me.

I am now on day 41 of my cycle. I have wee'd on a stick every day for the last week, all negative. I have had a blood test with my doctor, negative. Definitely not prenant.

My question is for other ladies with PCOS - did your periods just suddenly stop? Or did your cycles get longer and longer...? I'm confused and annoyed. I have more tests to do ont cycle day 3 and 10 - and cant do them if my period wont arrive!

Any advice or thoughts?