Ectopic Pregnancy

♚NAS♚ • Born in South Africa.. happily married.. 2 baby boys under two years.
Okay ladies ... so i did a HPT and im pregnant 5w 2d ... today I went to my Dr, and she did an ultrasound but unfortunately she says she can't see anything .. I am a little over weight (78kg). I was told to drink lots of water till my bladder is full up to a point of peeing in my pants! .. so again she had done an ultrasound and still nothing. So she says there is a possibility of Ectopic pregnancy where there egg has burrowed itself in the fallopian tube. She did a blood test to confirm my pregnancy. Which was also positive. Shes now giving me a letter to go to another hospital where they run tests to confirm if it is an ectopic pregnancy or not and do further treatments from there ... from what I have read online there is not much chance for survival if it is in the tube ... have any of you experienced ectopic pregnancies or know any stories... please share.. I am out of my wits I have been ttc for months now. One MC last year. Please any info is helpful. Thanks.