I'm really scared :'( ...


My boyfriend got told he has a less than 5% chance of having kids ..

Iv been with him for 5 years .. and I decided to come off the pill in September .. iv been having regular periods

It's come to this month's period and it hasn't started .. iv been being sick .. sore boobs .. browny discharge .. hiccups all the time .. mood swings .. hair falling out more than usual .. weird cravings ..

I took a test but it was negative

I'm scared incase I do another and it is positive .. only because I thought to myself will he think iv cheated on him

What do I do ?? Please someone help

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Posted at
Umm if you haven't cheated then don't worry at all do test at end of pregnancy with confidence 


Hayley • Feb 7, 2015
Then rock it even if it's an issue know at end you got this and beating odds are good


Jemma • Feb 6, 2015
Haven't cheated no :) thanks for your reply x


Posted at
If you are pregnant, feel happy about it! And just talk to him and tell him there are a lot of men with high rates of infertility who have been able to conceive. My sister's husband who had 85% had 2 children within 4 years... 


Jemma • Feb 6, 2015
fingers crossed eh x


Posted at
I think if you talk to him once you've taken the test and it is positive then he should understand. Just because its 5% doesn't mean it's impossible for him to do it, if he trusts you then there's nothing for him to go mad over, don't worry yourself over it x


Jemma • Feb 6, 2015
Thankyou I will good luck x


Jess • Feb 6, 2015
I'd take one in 3-4 days if you still have symptoms, if comes back negative I'd go the doctors that's what I'm gonna do anyway x


Jemma • Feb 6, 2015
Thankyou for your reply .. when do you reckon I should take another test ? I'm 5 days late x


Posted at
Did you cheat on him? If not than don't worry...it's amazing to beat the odds! 


Jemma • Feb 6, 2015
Haven't cheated .. and let's hope I am :) c


Posted at
Go see a doctor and after you are sure that you are pregnant take him with you so that the doctor can explain to him that this is possible and after you give birth take a DNA test so he can be sure . God bless you both


Jemma • Feb 6, 2015
Thankyou I hope it goes well c