Ah my feet!!!


I'm 18 weeks and 5 days, started out weighing 100 now I'm 128 with my first and my feet is killing me. I work two jobs where I stand all day and in between jobs I'm running around campus for class. Oh the madness. Never felt so much pain in my feet and I was a cross country running my whole life time I got pregnant. Anyone else feeling this pain? 
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I'm 36 weeks and have gained like70 lbs haha. I will say I was under weight to start. I am a heart patient so swelling has always been an issue. Compression socks will save your life. They make them in all price ranges too. Pricer ones at a sporting good store or just go to Walmart near like the foot soak area and they usually have them. They are amazing. I am also a server who works long shifts and I noticed the different immediately


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Me too girls! I've officially got kancles! 😁 I'm 33 weeks, & gained at 30 pounds. 


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I feel you! I'm 33 weeks and have gaine 54 pounds!!! I feel so disgusting, but the doctors says I'm healthy. My feet are now starting to swell after a long day and I'm waddling a lot haha! I also work on a concrete floor, standing for 9 hours at a time, 4 days a week. It's getting to e a lot to handle and my feet ache. To no end at night. :(.