My girls are here!!!!

Alexandria • 24 years old; Twin Girls EDD March of 2015 ( or sooner )💕
My baby girls are here!! Born February 4 @ 8:44 & 8:45 AM at 36 weeks and 1 day!!
It all started on Tuesday when I was having Braxton Hicks contractions. Then I noticed when I got off the chair that my pants felt wet. Went to the bathroom to check and had flour from the front all the way to the back of me. Hubby and I drove to. Labor and delivery where my doctor checked me and confirmed that I was 1cm dilated and I was having contractions but my water did not break and I was not in active Labor, so she let us go home. Hubby and I got home ate and went to bed. I still had Braxton hicks but then they suddendly went away completely and I slept great.  Then at 3:00AM my water REALLY broke, it was so much that there was no way that this wasn't the real deal! So hubby and I go back to Labor and delivery where this time is was confirmed that we were gonna have these babies that day!! Was in labor for about 5/6 hours and delivered my lovely ladies via C section!! 
Babies sugars were low and baby A had some fluid so they both did go to the NICU after they were delivered. But I was able to have them back with me by that next morning. So thankful for such beautiful and healthy babies!!
I am so in love!!!!