I need advice please

Brittany • Chloe Elizabeth 7-30-13. Sophia Grace 10-15-15. Baby #3 09-20-16
Okay, so back in December, like the last week, I was treated with methotrexate to dissolve an abnormal pregnancy. About 2 weeks later, I took another pregnancy test, it came back positive, so I had assumed I was pregnant, until I had a what seemed like a period January 11th through the 16th. I had assumed the test came back positive because my hormones weren't low yet. Well last Monday I took another PT because I had one, and it came back negative. Then last Thursday, I took a Ovulation test and it came back positive so my boyfriend and I had sex Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to ensure we got pregnant. Well exactly a week later, on Thursday I was spotting very lightly so I decided to take another pregnancy test, it came back positive, but faint. Last night, my boyfriend and I were having sex, and after we finished I went to the bathroom and noticed blood when I wiped, red and heavy. I didn't have any abdominal pain or cramps with it and it stopped immediately after, but we decided to go to the ER anyways because any blood seen should be a sign of something bad. They told me that for someone who was supposedly 7 weeks, because I failed to tell them about the shot and all the negative tests etc, that I was most likely still miscarrying from when I bled back in January because my hormones were low and there was nothing seen on the uktrasounf. I then told them what I just told y'all at discharge, and according to the nurse I could really be 3 weeks pregnant if I really did conceive last week and that that could be why they didn't see anything at that time. My levels were 82. So I guess I'm just asking if in your personal opinion, do we still have a chance to be pregnant? Today, other than being extremely tired and sleeping all day, I haven't been bleeding or cramping and my cervix is still high closed and soft. They want me to follow up to see if my levels are rising. Yesterday I took another home PT before we went into the ER and it came back positive, and darker than the one taken on Thursday. So if I were miscarrying, wouldn't the tests be lighter since my hormones are dropping?