Trying so hard to be strong for him

Im in my 2nd trimester and we've been getting baby things since early on because we can't get everything at once. I haven't been able to find a job in over a year in our small town. But we weren't hurting for money and he agreed to have me home with the baby anyways since daycare here is more than our mortgage and utility bill combined. Well yesterday they laid him off because somebody doesn't like him in the company (their reason was he didn't sweep a roof and people have done much worse yhan forget to sweep after a job) and I keep trying to be strong in front of him. I have to just walk out of the room and bawl my eyes out. I know he's worried but I don't want him to see me and add to his stress. He isn't exactly allowed to look for another job because it has to be within the union because there is a contract with them. He's on their wait list to get a job when there's an opening but right now we are stuck til we get an answer. I still owe my drs office $600 more then the hospital bill when its time. I have my own insurance but he was my secondary. If he doesnt start working again soon i lose my other insurance which means even more money out of pocket. I cant stop thinking about it all and just crying in secret. I just want to get my worries out and tell somebody how i feel without stressing him more.