What does it mean?

Kelsey • 21 years old and single
So me and my boyfriend have been together a little over two years. Last night, we got into a really bad fight.. And our first fight in 6 weeks. It started at him not saying I love you back and he feels I say it too much. And I kept trying to talk to him about it and it lead to him saying he didn't know if he wanted this or not. He didn't want the stupid fights and that he knows I want kids in the future(not ANYTIME soon) and that I want to get married and he doesn't want those things. He's terrified of commitment and I knew that. Later on I told him I need to know what he wants or if he wants to end it. He said yes he wants this. I said are you sure and he said I think so, idk. I said well do you love me? And he said yes.. I think so. 
It wasn't going good and I was hurt.
But I asked if before our stupid fight, if we were happy and if he was happy and he said yes! I'm so confused. I have to keep in mind that I'm his first real relationship.. I need advice on what he means.. I'm 20 and he's 21