We had a fight it was stupid

Layla • Arab/American Hybrid
Well we were talking today and everything was perfect! He brought up that he wants to travel with his parents for like a week next month. He already had travelled in December and August and during both he did not go to work for what seemed like months (in fact it was more than a month AFTER coming back from vacation). I don't like guys who aren't serious about their jobs and his is a really good job and he has not been taking it seriously since his surgery last year. 
The only thing I said was: okay look you just traveled in December and have rejoined work last week, I think you can wait for August to travel again. 
And basically he said I'm not asking you I'm telling you and we have been pretty much not talking since. He's such a hot head and it pisses me off how he says I don't deserve him. Oh really? You do pretty much everything you please. 
I'm not allowed to travel at all because he will miss me. Yet he has traveled like 3 times for pleasure with no issues at all even though I cry almost every day because I miss him. 
I'm so angry at how he handled everything. Am I in the wrong here ?