Need to calm down..

Lauren • Married ♡ Not ttc.

I posted earlier that my fiancé, at the time boyfriend, cheated on me. I'm past the hurting and crying and I'm on to pure anger and hatred which is new to me. I've never been so mad before it's scary.

The worst part? I'm mad at her and not him.

He told me he was blackout drunk and doesn't remember anything but crawling into bed alone and waking up with her, but he thinks they had sex.

I talked to her. As calmly as I could, and she explained that she followed him into bed for comfort.

I can't help but feeling that she took advantage of his state. Maybe I'm stupid. Maybe it's misplaced. But as it is, having sex with a drunk individual while in the military is grounds for being charged and a dishonorable discharge.

She was aware and he claims he was not. I believe him but I could be wrong since I don't trust myself anymore. But I just want to have her hurt they way she hurt me. I want him to tell her that I want to notify her chain of command, that she knowingly had sex with an unconscious individual and I want to ruin her the way she ruined us... I can't help it... This is turning me into a terrible person... I'm a wreck. I don't want to do anything rashly so I'm venting but I want him to tell her because I want her to be scared for her career. I also want to punch her lights out.

Is it okay to feel this way? Or am I losing it?