Are you content with your weight?

I was going through this category & felt an incredible urge to post this. Listen to me carefully, lovelies. You are so much more than a stupid number on a little box that is frequently inaccurate. You are so much more than a little number on a pair of jeans. You are so much more than what a BMI chart says which are almost always inaccurate. Please love & accept yourself. I promise you, what you see in th mirror is not what everyone else sees. We are distorted as women. If you are struggling with an eating disorder, whether it be anorexia, bulimia & even binging, you are not alone. I know it's such a lonely road to go through & it is absolute hell. There is a startling amount of people with an eating disorder. & if you say you don't have an eating disorder because you aren't underweight, remember this: eating disorder comes in one size: MISERABLE. I have struggled with eating disorders since 11. & body issues since 8. Please love yourself. You are worthwhile. Comment below anything you need to vent about how you feel about yourself, what you're struggling with, or anything you just need to let out. This is a judge free zone. ❤️

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