My story-

Sam • Mum of a 2yr old daughter, recovering from a complete molar pregnancy, Adoring fiancé, looking forward to TTC again
Hey ladies, 
I'm sorry so many of us have to post in this group, life can be cruel at times, 
So my story goes like this, on October 21st we found out I was pregnant with our second baby, everything was going perfect, very slight nausea but everything was completely normal, 
On November 24th At 8w2days we had a first scan, we were so excited to see our baby and hear the heartbeat, we took our daughter to show her her new little brother or sister, 
Turns out there was no heartbeat, in fact my uterus and placenta looked very abnormal,
Went to the dr on the 25th and he said my blood hormone was very high, on the 2nd December I saw my OBGYN and she confirmed I had a  molar pregnancy, my uterus was measuring at about 14w and I was only meant to be nine, 
If left untreated the placenta tissue can spread through the blood and turn cancerous so I was booked for a D&C that night, :( I was pregnant for 8w with what I thought was my beautiful baby :( 
Since then I've had weekly blood test to make sure my hormones levels have dropped, when it hit zero it turned to monthly test to make sure it stays away, 
We can't start trying again to at least June/July, 
We are just trying to get through these next few months till we can try again, our family doesn't feel complete and I have this emptiness in my belly, all I keep thinking is a should be 20w, 
Anyway that's my story sorry it's long, thanks  for reading- 
Thinking of you all!