Still nervous at 15w...

Taylor • Married. Brooks born 8/2015. Baby Eleanora Quinn due May 2018. 💞
This is my first pregnancy, my husband and I conceived during our first month trying, and I will be 15w on Friday. Everything looks great, all of the genetic testing has come back normal/negative for things, and the doctors say everything looks perfect. Google scared the crap out of me way too much the first 6-8 weeks, and those fears disappeared but now I'm getting anxious again for some reason. Am I nuts for getting nervous about m/c at this point? I have a doppler at home that we use every so often, which we love. We're going to find out the gender next week. I just get terrified about something happening. Aren't the chances insanely low at this point? I know things can always happen. I read things about people having incompetent cervixes, etc., scares me!
I know stressing isn't good for the baby, and I really haven't been. I just started getting nervous again this morning for some reason. Ah!