3cm dilated and 75% effaced....Steroid shots DONE

✨Ebony • Wife, mother and child of God! Just had the arrival of #3 of our bunch. 💙Our new Little Prince Kalani Gabriel💙
Well looks like Baby Kalani is ready to get here. Just waiting out this last 25% of effacement. Before things spin out of control with the contractions. He is so much like my first son DJ....my boys seem to want to hit the world before their time!!!...Lol. Im in such a great place about it even though it's early. My doctors are too because of how his growth scan was 3 weeks ago. Soooo just waiting it out now and scarying my coworkers to death because they are praying I don't go into labor at work. Predominantly male office....but mostly all have wives and children and should be use to it....LMBO 😂😂😂