Starting over 😕

Okay this is hard... I had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks my baby stopped growing at 7 weeks 5 days and heart beat stopped. My payment to hear the heartbeat was 8 weeks and 1 day. Me and my hubs were crushed. It's been a long process as I opted not to do the d&c and took the medication . It was the most pain I have felt in my entire life to not have my baby at the end. It was hard to pretty much go through labor and not getting to have my baby at the end to hold and to cuddle... I'm still bleeding after a week and a half and passing clots and tissue... And it's a constant reminder reminder that I lost my precious baby. It's really hard and I'm sorry to unload but I really needed to talk and I'm nervous about starting the trying to conceive again. I know it's all gonna work out but it's hard to start again...