Baby Lucas

Ami • Mummy to baby Lucas Alexander born 3rd feb
I started having contractions at midnight on 3rd feb which were 4.5-5mins apart. I laboured at home for the next 10 hrs and was 5cm dilated and 100% thinned when we go to the hospital. I was allowed to stay in my normal clothes and walk around the hospital till 3pm. I was then 7cm and refused pitocin to speed up labour. I was still at 7cm at 5pm so doctor broke my water. Started pushing at 8pm but at 10.30 baby was still station +2.5 and doctors said that it wasn't face down but his face was transverse. They attempted a vacuum delivery but baby was stuck and couldn't move further down so I was taken for emergency section. Didn't have time to wait for spinal to kick in so I could feel the start of the surgery, I tried to breathe through the pain but it was very painful until the spinal kicked in. Baby was born at 11.06pm and holding him made it all instantly worth it 💙
6 days old