Worried Nights and Bad Dreams

It's been 8 weeks since we've decided to TTC #3. The last week (as I approach ovulation soon) I've been having restless nights filled with bad dreams and endless thoughts telling me another baby is a terrible idea. By the time I wake up, I'm so stressed out about it, I wonder what EVER made us think we should try again. But if I try and remember the reasons I came up with in the night for not having another, I can't remember, which further leads me to believe they are dreams, and not really me listing out reasons while awake, or else I'd remember them. It's 9:30am, and I'm totally convinced having another baby is just fine, given our finances and means to provide. WTH, it's like my mind is at war with itself. During the day I want one, during the night I'm terrified of another. 

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