In need of breastfeeding advice

I'm pregnant with #2, but very early in my pregnancy. I was only able to breastfeed #1 for 3 weeks before my milk dried up. It was one of the most devastating things I've ever dealt with. I cried for a year. So I don't want to have a repeat of that. I am severely bipolar and have no choice but to stay on my meds. I was on 2 and went off of one. I'm currently on Abilify and went off of Lamictal before getting pregnant (in case anyone has any experience with these meds).
I would love some advice from the experienced breastfeeding mommies on what I can do later down the line in my pregnancy and PP to prevent my milk from drying up again. I realize the medication poses some complications to my situation, but I'm hoping there's something physically I can try this time to help.