Skeptical about trying again

I just had a miscarriage in January . Went to get an ultrasound and found out the baby had no heart beat at 11 weeks . It was the first time I was ever pregnant, so it hit me pretty hard . While I was having my miscarriage my boyfriend was suggesting we wait a little longer before trying again not in a rude way but it still kind of hurt my feelings. It made me feel weird and even more miserable but didn't really say anything about it. When I was done with the spotting in February we started having sex again with condoms. Since Friday we started having unprotected sex again and he told me he wants to try again but now I'm confused and scared ! I feel like it's too soon and I can't go through something like that again but I do want my baby because we had told like everybody and it was a planned pregnancy I just don't know if I should wait or try again any advice about conceiving after a loss 😢