35 weeks pregnant and Sleepless nights with a toddler

Ok so my toddler has just turned 2 years old and still sleeps in the sAme room As me and my husband (our rooms quite big) he used to sleep thoughout the night but for a few months now he is waking up coming to us crying wanting milk to fall back to sleep sometimes he does go back to sleep (80%)sometimes he doesn't (20%).  And yes I give it to him 😣 just to keep the peace as it so hard to get comfy enough to fall back asleep now I'm getting bigger and husband has to wake up at 4:30 for work. Don't get me wrong when I put him down for a sleep the first time at 8:30 after having his warm milk he goes off the sleep by himself in his bed no problem but now I'm concerned! What the heck am I gonna do when our new baby is born!  🙈(yes planning on baby number two being in same room in a little Moses basket) are they going to be waking each other up? Is it too late to put my son in his own room with the new addition to the family coming so soon? Especially with him not sleeping through the night? Is it going to be too much change for him? The reason he wasn't in his own room is because we recently moved house and it took a while to decorate plus we thought his too young to understand stay in your room! I'm pulling my hair out just thing about it! I'm planning on breastfeeding so while I'm doing night feeds is he going to play up more if he see me and new baby awake (you know how kids think) is his he gonna take more advantage im dreding it and I'm a bit worn out already! My husband has suggested him and my son moving into the other room while Im with the little one just for him to get used to the new space but I feel like it will be tough on hubby if he has work so early and my son seriously plays up for daddy sometimes (he sees his dad as a big kid)And plus I'll miss my husband in the bed next to me 😔 huff what can I do? HELP please!