TTC again after first miscarriage.

We have been TTC for about 3 months now. I was so excited because we found out Valentines Day weekend that we were expecting. I was 4 weeks. Started having cramps that week and I just knew something was wrong. No bleeding or spotting but I had a feeling. Sure enough finally got into the dr and my HCG was 11. :( Took a pregnancy test that weekend and one had a faint line but digital said no. Started full out bleeding this past Sat 2/21. Still having a hard time dealing with it.
My question is how long did you wait before TTC again? I'm planning to try this cycle but I am super nervous. I was so excited and so attached already so it hit me really hard. :(
Any advice or experiences are greatly appreciated. I have no idea how to deal with this since my first pregnancy went so well. :(