Letrizole, trigger, and progesterone on CD 22

Jessica • PCOS ttc #2 for 10 years and counting.....
This month my period started 2/6 and my RE had us try Letrizole 7.5 mg on days 3-7, trigger on 2/17 after an ultrasound on the 16 showing 3 follicles (two of decent size).  I have been on progesterone since 2/21.  I started having severe lower abdominal cramps on the 26th and went to ER. Before they performed a CT scan they ran a blood test considering we are actively trying. Less than 6 is considered not pregnant, I was at a 7, which they said was about 3 weeks pregnant. My first thought was the trigger wasn't completely out of my system, but when I called my RE she seems to think it would have been out of my system then.  Well now I have been so nauseous in the evenings for 2 days with negative hpt in the morning, but my period still isn't due for another 6 days. Could I really be pregnant or are we just getting our hopes up for nothing?