Miscarriage sucks

So my fiancé and I found out in the middle of December that we were going to be having a baby. At first he didn't know what to think because we are only 21&20 but as the weeks went by things got easier for him to deal with. We heard our baby's heart beat at 10 weeks 5 days and had the cf testing done. Then he deployed. I had my next appointment at 14 weeks and 4 days and I heard the baby's heart beat again. A healthy 151bpm. But that following Thursday the unthinkable happened. I woke up that morning to get my little sister off to school and she had forgotten her violin at home. I went back and got it so she could have it at school that day and when I got home all I could smell was blood. I went to the bathroom and that's all I could see. The night before I had been having a lot of pain in my hip and lower back so I put a heating pad on. It only helped until I woke up. I called my doctors and they told me I needed to go to the emergency room. I got the rogham shot because inhale a negative blood type and my fiancé has a positive. I'm going to see him come April and we want to have another baby. I just don't know when I'm supposed to have my period again so I can try to track it. Any ideas? I lost my baby February 19th.