What is it? 🙍

Samantha • 24• Want a big family• Newlywed ❤️
So my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year.. I've see my doctor who recommended me to a RE.. I've had all my blood work.. Normal.. I've had ultrasounds..normal and now a HSG and again.. Normal 😟 all thought I am happy it's all normal. I need to know what's going on! I am so sad and depressed not nothing why me! My RE has put me on clomid per my request as I don't think I ovulate every month all though he says he is 99.9% sure I do( I have had the CD test to check) and during an ultra sound he spotted a good size follicle on my ovary... But personally don't think I do as I notice some changes in my cycle some months vs other months.. Any success stories or ladies in the same boat with me? Hoping for some good news this month.. I will be starting the clomid next cycles as I am already cd12 right now.. 🙏👶