Extremely itchy, twinges

Ttc 12mos as of2/24/15. No opk but major O pains and ewcm on 2/23. Since that day my nipples have been dry but tonight they itch so bad I tried warm compress + coconut oil, vit E oil, aquaphor... But now the entire boobs itch so bad I cried. And I'm itchy all over. Hoping this is our month fx!!!!
With my son in 2008 I know they itched closer to my due date but not early on.... 
As per glow, I'm 6Dpo.. Anyone else have this extreme all over and nipple itch before a bfp
* I had a full exam by dr and boobs checked for cancer in Jan so stay away from my post if that's where you're going with a reply.
*im the lotion queen, moisturize after every shower with eucering calming cream and sometimes coconut oil.