Feeling sad

Is anyone else trying to conceive and it's proving harder than you thought? 
My husband and I have been trying since January with no luck. I feel like there is something wrong with me. I know it hasn't been very long, but I didn't expect it to be so heartbreaking. Discovering I've started my period went from being a normal thing that I never gave another thought about to an upsetting ordeal. I've always practiced safe sex, even when accidents happened. Now I feel so ready to be a mother (and my husband is ready to be a father) and it's just not happening the way I thought it would. I feel so useless and hopeless 😞
I'm also having a lot of difficulty finding a job in my field of study and am feel like I'm not contributing much to our two person family. 
My husband works so hard and does everything he can to take care of me, but it makes me feel worthless, like I'm not doing a good job of taking care of him. These last few days have made me realize how amazing he is and how thankful I am to call him my husband. 
The job search paired with the conceiving issue is making it almost unbearable to get up in the morning. Does anyone have any advice or words of encouragement they could offer? It would be very much appreciated