Scary baby dreams

Courtney • 6 month old Miles two step sons and pregnant with my second baby 😍
Anybody else have any scary baby dreams? I had one last night that I just can't shake it was too real. We are 20 weeks and a few days meaning on the 23rd of this month our baby becomes "Viable" if born at our local hospital. In other words until 23 weeks they will not do anything to save him if born premature. Last night I had a dream that I gave birth to my sweet baby Miles and he was ok, thin and frail but alive and somehow breathing. I fed him I kept him chest to chest to keep him warm. He was ok for a few days in my dream but then his arm started to tear. (I've had many friends and family members with still births and sometimes this happens once the baby has passed) I was devastated that my baby was so tiny and sick when I woke up. We are high risk anyway so of course we worry a little extra but has anyone else had dreams so detailed like this? As soon as I woke up Miles was kicking away so I'm sure he's fine but mommas heart hurts 😪