Need advice...

I get very irritated and aggravated very easily, feels like I have no control over my emotions I can cry and get mad for no reason, my body is very sensitive to cold, I have to clear my throat a lot, my stomach starts to make loud noises an hurts when the slightest pressure is put on it an looks very bloated, I start using the bathroom more, my skin an hair gets very dry my hair will start to break off, I sweat real bad in the middle of the night, have trouble falling to sleep toss and turn all night waking up in the middle of the night, can't sit still my foot rocks back-and-forth like I'm anxious or something I don't know. Loss of appetite, my periods get messed up. I've already been to the doctor several times took blood test and they don't know what's wrong with me it's the most frustrating thing in the world!