Someone help!

Amber • 21 Y.O. / Married/TTC baby #2
Clear blue digital advanced ovulation test- I am new to using OPKs and I used this test for the first time Thursday night 2/26. I had tested for a few days using a different brand, probably 3 or 4 dAys prior to getting this test but then I ran out. So there was 3 or 4 days where I didn't test at all. Then Thursday I noticed my CM was very sticky or stretchy and clear and I was having ovulation pains so I knew I had to be ovulating. Anyway I took the Clearblue digital advanced test that night (Thursday) and it came out as Low. Then the next morning I got the blinking smiley face and today is now the 9th day that I've had the blinking smiley and I've been testing in the morning around the same time with first urine. So my question is, is it possible during those few days that I didn't test that I actually ovulated? And if so, why am I still getting a "high fertility " result 9 days later.... like I said I'm still new to this.