10 dpo symptoms...sound good??

Kwerkymurkie • I wish I was the moon.

Im not taking a test until i miss my period, which is due tomorrow!!! But for now....Okay so I have a temp dip on my bbt chart (on 8 dpo) that's pretty low and went back up the next day really high and they've been consistently high since then...

*hot flashes 7 dpo

*weird light cramps

(Normally I get strong cramps about a week before AF but I haven't had any strong ones yet)

*strange horrible back spasm 8dpo

*mild lower back pain since 7dpo

*mild but sharp pains in tummy and sides (does that make sense)

*my vagina twitched tonight 10dpo lol (idk if that's a symptom or???)

*light brownish cm tonight, one time, hasn't happened since

*breasts feel swollen (noticably gotten bigger)and the sides are sore when I touch them

*soft, puffy nipples(odd for me)

*the veins in my nipples have gotten darker/more prominent

*been more tired and irritable the past two or so days

*groin pain???

*been turned off by food (loss of appetite which is strange??)


My cat has been really lovable lately... Its strange... I think she senses something. Lmao

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