Should I stay or should I leave?

Katie • 22. Happily Married. TTC.
My SO is a bit of a complicated individual. He seems to think he is better than a lot of people because he is employed full time, about to graduate college, has two vehicles, and his own place. He despises my best friend whom I live with, and she despises him. Yesterday I broke my phone by slamming it into the ground due to how stressed out my SO had me. He said some things like "I'm not stuck with you I can leave any second" and "I'm too immature to have a baby and the baby could have a better mom" which made me cry extremely hard and have an anxiety attack. He then told me he was breaking up with me and I had to beg him for an hour not to. He lives an hour away from me and I asked him to come see me and he said no because I'm not worth the drive to him. All I wanted to do was talk in person and get this resolved....when we aren't fighting he is extremely sweet. Opens doors for me, makes me laugh all the time, and our love making is so passionate and amazing. We broke up once before but I took him back because I felt empty without him and extremely sad. I'm pregnant with his child so feel like we should stay together, but I don't think I can handle his emotional and verbal abuse fits anymore. What would you do?

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