How and who popped the question?

Rosie • Having issues with my cycle and pain. In the process for PCOS testing. No period for 2.5 years, but still ovulating.
I never thought I'd be married. Even after I met my husband and I knew we'd be together forever. I never wanted to be married. My favorite place in the world is Mt Pleasant. It's a small mountain in Lancaster Ohio. It's quiet there and you can see the entire city. I always loved it there. My husband showed me that place for the 1st time shortly after we started dating. We went up there after 3 years of dating. I thought nothing of it. It was a beautiful day. We always had a rock we sat on and someone was sitting there when we got there. I thought it was a little strange he gave the people the stink eye until they moved instead of just sitting somewhere else. We had been sitting there for about 30 minutes when he got down on 1 knee and said "Will you Marry Me." (He's a man of few words lol) It was so unexpected I instantly started crying and said "Shut the f**k up!" Loli finally said yes and then said, "Should I jump off? Is the world ending?" Lol I'd love to hear your story and see your ring(s)!