Cramping?! (Different than pms)

Ok ladies I have no idea what's going on. My husband and I have been TTC for 7 months. I have Hashimoto's but after switching meds I finally got a good lab result last month. We tried to have more sex than normal this last month. My periods have always been a bit irregular but it has been 6 weeks since my last period. I may have had a very faint positive EPT yesterday but idk. So here's my symptoms. This week I have started having sporadic cramping. (My me stual cramps usually last all day these come and go), I'm mildly constipated, tender breasts, a bit moody, tired, occasionally I get a little dizzy and nauseated (usually during cramping spells) and all I can think is "this is so different than my normal pms!" Did any of you have these symptoms? Do you think I might be pregnant?