JV • Just got the BFP to complete our "yours, mine and ours" family :) married 10/12/12 <3
I have two little girls from a previous marriage and a step son from my husband. We are now TTC our one and only little munchkin together. We've basically only JUST started trying, but of course, while I'm on the MISERABLE TWW, I counted SEVEN people I know who have recently announced their pregnant (don't even get me started on the "my friend is pregnant!" Stuff) 
I know it's waaaayyy too early for me to test (like a week and half too early) but I totally took one today just to check and see MAYBE I was one of them, everyone not trying is, so why not us!? 
I'm not angry jealous, I'm super happy for....most of them... But damn it I'm jealous! And the TWW is way harder now!