I want a family!

Charlie-Jade • Proud mum to Theo Thomas 😍
Me and my boyfriend are 17 (he turns 18 soon). We've been together 1 and half years and he lives with my family and I. Our families are close and my boyfriend and I plan on getting married when we're a bit older. We're both in our final year of school and have fair paying jobs. We both have been discussing having a baby for a while now. We're confident we can do it, considering we're the oldest children in our families and have looked after plenty of children. We understand its a lot of money and a lot of work but we want a baby so badly. We're so in love and happy together (no matter what) we've been through thick and thin and we really want to be parents. We already have a lot of baby supplies (toys, clothes, stroller, cot, ect.) from the previous babies in our families and a couple of brand new items. We have friends who have recently had a baby and they can't be happier. We think a baby would just complete us and make us whole. I can honestly say I'm 100 percent sure my partner and I can do it. I only need a little moral support and I'll make the decision final. I can't wait We've wanted this baby so long and we hate having to wait. 
Comment any opinions you have. I'll consider and listen anything anyone has to say.  

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