I want to punch my dr

I went in for my 39 week appointment. She refused to check me until my next visit, which will be 40+3. She thinks he is over 9lbs and debated about inducing me now (without even checking me). She said she will wait until next week and decide to induce then or make me wait until 41+1.  I told her that my family will fly home by then (41 weeks) and I will have no one to watch my toddler, (because she told me to get them here ASAP she expected me to deliver by now). I asked if we could move it up 2 days. She coldly suggested I was to let my husband watch our child and deliver alone! I cried the whole way home. Then I called the office back, explained the situation and asked for a second opinion from another dr. They moved all my appointments up no problem, so I won't have to deliver alone. She could have easily done that herself. I am Never seeing her again! Always stand up for yourselves! Sometimes these doctors are on their own agenda and couldn't care less about your birth experience!