5 reasons you are proud of yourself

⚪Hula👶👶👶 • left glow for a break. I may come back as some point but for now its taking too much of my time

Okay so the description explains it all. What do you feel proud of?

1 - I've been through so much and came out the person I am.

2 - I trust people more again. After being stalked I would hyper analyze peoples reasons for being friends with me and I would keep friends distant. I have become a much more open person in the last year or so.

3 - I am totally happy single or in a relationship so I don't need no man to complete me. If I find the right one in the future it will be to compliment not complete me.

4 - I can throw together parties at the drop of a hat.

5 - Doctors like me. That is a huge feat when you are a birth doula but crazy enough except for a couple doctors they all will shake my hand and remember my name and even thank me for the help at the end! It makes me flutter when a doctor comes in and says 'oh you are in good hands already!' Or something along those lines. Nurses like me too now which makes my life so much easier.

Don't forget to say what makes you feel proud!