4 Thing to Look For - If you worry A lot!

Lizzie • Baby #1 "Smalls" 10/13/15. Baby #2 due 04/15/19
So all this week I had cramps. I felt as though they were getting more noticeable, went from pressure to a dull ache then I started getting sharp pains. 
I looked online and I saw it was most likely stretching of the muscles but the stabbing pains in the vagina and lower abdomen really freaked me out. 
I ended up going to see my doctor. He did and ultra sound and I saw Smalls moving around and heart beat flutterin away (I'm about 11weeks). He said it was my muscles stretching and the sharp pains are normal too. 
He figured I was a first time worried mom so he told me these four things to go to the doctor/immediate care for:
1. High Fever with cramps
2. Very painful cramps, to the point where you feel like you would need morphine. 
3. Bleeding very heavily
4. Diaharrea/vomiting to the point of dehydration. 
I know every pregnancy is different and maybe your doctor is different, I just feel since hearing that I feel a lot better. When I get a pain now, I don't freak out. I feel like these apps tell you to call the doctor for so many things and freak you out unnecessarily. 
Just thought I'd pass it along, I feel so much better!