Evap Lines.

Alright ladies, I'm ranting over here. I HATE whenever I see a woman post a BFP and half of the people say "Evap lines." No. Just no. I'm pregnant right now & the month before I got pregnant I took a test, it was negative (this was in December) I still have the test and guess what? It still says negative. No Evap line, no line at all. It is very clear its negative. No when I tested whenever I was pregnant, a faint line popped up, I posted it on here and everybody told me it was evap. I knew it wasnt, if it's negative there will not be a line. If you take 2+ test and there is still a line YOU ARE PREGNANT. if you take one & a line pops up there is a HUGE chance you're pregnant. Don't listen to people who say "evap. BFN sorry" IF YOURE PREGNANT THERE WILL BE A LINE IF YOU ARENT THERE WONT BE. NO SUCH THING AS EVAP.