TMI (sorta) Please read... Regarding stds/P.O.M

Ok... So many years ago, when I was about 17, I had really painful urination, cloudy and foul smelling. I was terrified something was wrong bc I had slept with an older guy and didn't want to tell my parents so it went on for maybe 10 months. I finally went to the doctor and told them my symptoms. They asked about sexual partners and I lied and said there were no new partners. (They knew I was sexually active and on birth control). Well they tested me for a UTI and it came back positive so I was prescribed medicine and it went away. Ever since I've had this worry in the back of my head that it was chlamydia and bc I had it for so long I am infertile. I didn't end up getting tested again for stds until I was 19 and everything came back clean and has been ever since. My question is, could I have been misdiagnosed? Some medications cure multiple infections... I know this sounds crazy but I just worry. Since then I've had 4 serious relationships over the course of about 10 years and in those serious relationships my only form of birth control was pulling out and I NEVER got pregnant. I'm just freaking out that I have tubal issues since I know I ovulate an shave a very regular cycle. Like how can pulling out work for 10 years?!?