Dating a narcissist

It's taken me a while to figure this out, it's been almost 5 years and I couldn't understand why my bf was the way he was.

1- He loves to hear the sound of his own voice, he talks about himself, his job, his goals, his accomplishments and the praise he gets from other people

2- Loves to look at himself in the mirror, he's obese but doesn't think he is, he dresses nice when there's someone to impress, he says I'm not pretty because I don't doll myself up.

3- He looks down on people and will step away from me when he thinks I'm doing something inappropriate in public, example: in the pool, I'll do simple aqua fit exercise like jumping jacks, lunges etc but because no one else does it, he says I should stop because I'm embarrassing him

4- Charming, he's really good with people and social interactions, that's probably why he's so good at his job, but his boss feeds his ego, his clients feed his ego.

5- User, this was the hardest one to wrap my mind around, I'd catch him cheating but he'd give me the why is it a big deal? It doesn't hurt him, it feeds him and he has no empathy for what I feel- meaning he expects me to get over it like right now over an affair he had going for more than a year so I can return to fulfilling his physical needs.

I plan on discussing this with him tonight, but I'm pretty sure he'll just brush me off or agree but stay as he is.

Is a romantic relationship with a narcissist even possible?