Eve :) • Mother of a precious princess and wife of a wonderful men who I love !!

I posted days ago about my husband lying to me about this # that was saved on his phone with some other name and it was actually a girls name that we were allways arguing about cause shes thoses girls that be hanging with more guys than girls and dont really know her intentions to my husband and everything started from there cause like i said he told me that he didnt talk to her at all but when I found out he had her # saved with another name didnt know if trust on him or not, actually didnt know HOW to trust on him again..

Now I cant take that out of my mind everytime he wakes up to go to work he gets his phone and put it in his pucket theres many changes he dont even take a shower when Im around and all I can think is his phone!! I feel he scare of something I dont know if im making this a big deal or not. Im totally sure hes not cheating on me but I just dont understand why all this little changes please help what should I do? Sometimes I just wanna tell him that is over cause I cant be leaving my life with him this way or rather just keep my self calm...