I want to try again but he doesn't...

I think I'm starting to finally accept the loss of this pregnancy and move forward. I would like to try again maybe around June, but when I briefly approached the subject last night I was immediately turned down. I'm still trying to finish my 1st degree and should be graduating next spring, and then I'm going straight into a one year 2nd degree nursing program. Then once I graduate I'm going to be so occupied with finding a job and settling into being a nurse I don't feel like I'm going to be ready to have another baby. I'll be 27 this June by the time I finish all my school and hopefully get a job I'll be 28 or 29, and my two year old will be three or four by then. I know that isn't that old, but I know it can be harder to get pregnant once you're in your 30s, and of course the risk of having another miscarriage goes up. I know logically it make sense to wait until I finish everything, but I do want another baby close to my daughters age and we still have a million wipes and baby toys and books and the baby swing and I feel it would be better now rather than later. Plus I think having two kids would really motivate me more with school and my career. I know he is thinking financially and responsibly whereas I am thinking more emotionally, but I just realized after my loss how much I really do want to have another baby and how devastated I would be if this pregnancy is my last pregnancy and this sad memory is the The last memory I ever have of being pregnant again. Sorry for the long post… Any advice?