My last nerve! Rant#

I love my husband very much and am very happy in our marriage, but tonight he's just getting on my damn nerves. Call me from work before he leaves, I offer to make him steak and eggs to be ready when he gets home. It's after 1am so there's little choice for him. But he says no he wants to go out to our favorite all night diner. Ok. Wait for him to get home. First thing he does..? Makes steak and eggs! Burns the eggs. Whines about it and is still hungry. Smacks hid lips grunts and makes all kinds of eating noise. Then knocks over the chair. Puts his dishes in the sink instead of the dish washer! Gah! Niw he is sitting next to me and snorting. Cause he can never blow his damn nose! Aatrgggh !!#!!