Step children vs. biological child

Courtney • 6 month old Miles two step sons and pregnant with my second baby 😍
Ok I have a question for you guys. I have two step sons and my husband and I are due with our baby in July. I have welcomed his boys with open arms being an active step parent and taking them to school, games, practices, school shopping etc. I have treated them like my own from day one. What worries me is my husband is an amazing dad to them but doesn't really ask about our baby Miles. I feel like I'm constantly pushing our baby on him and I don't want to make him be apart of it. He says once he's here it'll be different but I can't mentally wait another 3 months for him to bond with my son while watching the amazing bond he has with his ex wife's sons. It's basically made me jealous of the other two because my son doesn't get that attention. Am I absolutely crazy or has anyone else felt this way?