Job salary help! May be a lot but please read!

Jocelyn • married, Mother of 2🩷💙
Hey everyone so I am currently working in a day. Been working there since July. But lately I been working part time. They tell me to call to see if they will need me. I work 3 hours or 5 sometimes even 2! I know!! Hate it. I get paid minimum wage. And they send me only when they need me. I'm in college. And I need more money to pay my bills and stuff. Today I went to get an application at my baby cousin day care where she goes. They said their hiring and need someone with experience and the lady was happy cause I'm currently working in one. They are looking for someone for evenings and she gave me an application and a phone number to call the owner. I want to work full time and want to get more money. The application asks.. Salary desired. I do have experience and have worked with all kids ages. I want to get paid more than the minimum. My brother wants me to put $10 but I'm afraid they won't hire me and they might think its too much. This would be my 2nd official job. I was thinking of at least $9 not sure... Help please!?